Rocky Mount Church

From the Pastor


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

At Rocky Mount Church, we strive to maintain the simplicity of the New Testament pattern. As pastor, I have the privilege in each of our services to speak to men, women, boys, and girls – people of all ages from various backgrounds. We sing together, we bow together before the Lord in prayer, we rejoice in the gospel together, and we study the Scriptures together. So much of the religious world has been bogged down by programs, auxiliaries, and various functions, which, however noble the intentions, cannot be found in Scripture. What a joy it is to see entire families in the congregation engaged in worship, and seeking to learn more about our Savior. How beautiful it is to see the Lord’s people seek Him in simplicity, in purity, untainted by the inventions of men. It is a refreshing experience – one I believe you would enjoy.

I hope you will find our website helpful and informative!

Be sure and check out the various resources including articles of various lengths and audio sermons. If you were not acquainted with Primitive Baptists before your visit here, I hope you will feel led to visit a local congregation. If you need help finding a church or with anything else, we will be glad to help in any way we can. May God bless you in your commitment to Christ!

Bro. Matt



We are a Primitive Baptist congregation located near Arab, AL. Why Primitive Baptist? In the early 1800’s, the Baptist family began to divide over new beliefs and new practices. Those in the family who began to adopt these new ideas were called new school and missionary Baptists. Those who continued to follow the original paths were called old school or primitive. And so, we are still called Primitive Baptists today, and we seek to be found continuing steadfastly in the Apostles’ doctrine as the saints did in the early Church. We meet together as a congregation of men, women, boys and girls of all ages to sing, to pray, and to hear the word of God proclaimed and taught by our pastor and other elders. We find no greater joy than in seeing entire families worship and learn together. We are a people who rejoice in the message of salvation by grace and who want to honor the Lord with thanksgiving and praise. We recognize our need of God’s grace and mercy in our daily lives. We believe the Church is a place of rest for the Lord’s people, a place to worship, and a place of refuge from the storms of life. We hope that you will visit us and will find Rocky Mount Church to be just such a place.

Rocky Mount Church was established on July 28, 1882 and is a member of the Mt. Zion Association of Primitive Baptists. We do not have an earthly headquarters, but look to this association of churches to encourage fellowship and visitation among those of like faith and practice.

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